If you have kids, you know the struggle! Your house seems to be a constant tornado of kids toys and destruction. The struggle gets even more real when your home is on the market and showings are booking up faster than you can shove the toys under beds and into closets. Here are some tips to help you get your home showing ready - without the stress.
In our basement we set up a French Cafe around our kids play kitchen, this helps to combine aesthetically pleasing decor with the kids toys.

1. Use cute baskets as a catch all for toys and kids "stuff." Bins with lids are the perfect option for hiding the clutter, while still adding style to your home.
2. Declutter! I know this can be tough (kids seem to turn into hoarders the minute you try to get rid of a toy they have outgrown.) Box up and donate anything that your kids no longer play with and donate any toys that no longer work, or have broken pieces.
3. Clear some space in your kids closets to house the toys they play with the most.
4. Use Pinterest as inspiration for making kid friendly spaces that fit your home's aesthetic. Pictured here is a small corner in our basement that we turned into the kids "Parisian cafe."
5. Don't worry about trying to remove all traces of kids "stuff." When staging your home you want potential buyers to be able to picture themselves living there - if potential buyers have kids they will easily be able to envision where their kids activities and toys will live in the home.
In the photos below you'll see how we staged our kids rooms when our home was for sale in 2020. We didn't change much from how their rooms normally look, other than removing a few extra toys. Our home was sold to a young family with kids close in age to our kids. They told us the kids were excited to see the rooms and were eager to choose which room they would each like to have. Depersonalizing your home is important - to an extent. We strive to showcase the reality of the space and how it is actually used to help potential buyers envision themselves in the space.
